Priory Park Elf Trail

Have you noticed that something feels a bit different in Priory Park, Warwick? Stand still, close your eyes, and listen. Can you hear the gentle tinkling of bells and the sound of sweet singing voices amongst the rustling of the trees in the wind. There is magic in the air…. The Elves have arrived!

Over the festive break (Friday 22 December – Sunday 7 January), families are encouraged to visit Priory Park to seek-out 12 Elf doors that have magically appeared across the site. Short stories about the occupants can be revealed by scanning a QR code on each of the doors.

So put on your best explorer boots and hats and skillfully work your way around the wooded areas, lower meadow, and dell. But be quiet. Be careful. Elves are notoriously shy – and we wouldn’t want to scare them away!


The doors will be hidden around the park from Friday 22 December – Sunday 7 January!


The project has been developed by Friends of Priory Park and local families, and aims to encourage residents and visitors to the area to discover or rediscover one of the town’s most beautiful natural assets. It follows the hugely successful Priory Park Pixie Trail, which took place in April 2023.

The Elves

1  |  23  |  4  |  56  |  7  |  8  |  9  |   10 |   11 |  12

1. Jingle Paws, the Snowy Paw Prints Painter

Jingle Paws, a playful elf with very furry boots, leaves magical paw prints in the mud and snow that turn into tiny twinkling light trails, guiding children through the park during nighttime adventures. His unusual prints add an element of mystery and excitement to darker days, encouraging exploration of the park and creating new rambling pathways for the children of Warwick.

2. Icy Whisker, the Hot Cocoa Connoisseur

Icy Whisker, with a steaming mug of cocoa in hand, ensures every child in Priory Park gets the perfect cup of hot cocoa. His magical touch includes marshmallow magic that warms you up on chilly nights. Icy Whisker’s cocoa creations are a cherished tradition to families in Warwick as they gather around bonfires and share stories during the winter evenings.

3. Glimmerwing, the Aurora Gardener

Glimmerwing, adorned with fabulous shimmering wings, dedicates herself to tending the enchanted aurora flowers that bloom in winter. These magical blossoms cast a dazzling glow throughout Priory Park during the snowy days, creating a breathtaking display of colour that captivate the imagination of both young and old. Glimmerwing’s care for these special flowers ensures that Priory Park is a place of fascination and beauty throughout the winter season.

4. Starlight Sparkle, the Snowflake Scientist

Starlight Sparkle, in her long glowing and sparkly lab coat, conducts experiments with snowflakes to create individually unique works of art that bring good fortune. Her snowflakes fall gently on Priory Park, bringing a touch of magic to every corner. Starlight Sparkle’s scientific experiments and snowflake art add a layer of enchantment, making the snowy season even more extraordinary for the residents of the park.

5. Evergreen Ember, the Tree Enchanter

Evergreen Ember, adorned with leaves and bright red berries, uses her magic to ensure the trees in Priory Park stay evergreen throughout the winter. Her enchantments provide shelter and warmth for the woodland creatures, and create a harmonious ecosystem within the park. Evergreen Ember’s dedication to preserving nature makes Priory Park a haven for both magical beings and the creatures of the forest.

6. Mossy Toadstool, the Frosty Fungus Farmer

With his floppy green hat, cozy scarf and gardening gloves, Mossy Toadstool cultivates frosty fungi in his little woodland garden. He infuses them with magical properties, which means the fungi release aroma spores filling the air with a winter fragrance. This scent makes every stroll around the park a delightful experience, as the magical scent fills your nose!

7. Twinkleberry, the Frosty Weaver

In the heart of Priory Park, Twinkleberry, with her curly silver hair and cloak of frost, spends her days weaving delicate ice patterns with a magical loom. She crafts stunning winter decorations that adorn trees, bushes and pathways, turning Priory Park into a mesmerising winter wonderland. The twinkling patterns created by Twinkleberry bring delight and wonder to the children, making their winter days magical.

8. Snowflake Whisper, the Snow Sculptor

Snowflake Whisper, with her icy blue eyes and tall sparkly hat, is known for her extraordinary talent in sculpting enchanting snow figures. She spends lots of time making them life like and loves to see excited children discovery the statues. At night she sometimes whispers into the sculptures ears, the magic animates them and for just that evening they are able to walk the park and enchant the woodland.

9. Crystal Breeze, the Icicle Musician

Crystal Breeze, with her crystal-clear voice and icicle harp, plays enchanting melodies that can be heard throughout Priory Park. Her music creates a magical ambiance for winter celebrations, filling the air with notes that dance alongside the falling snow. Listen carefully, can you hear it?

10. Winter Whisk, the Sleigh Master

Winter Whisk, the biggest elf with a fluffy white beard, creates the fastest sleighs using only magical ice and his enchanted tools. His sleighs ensure that the children in Priory Park will have exhilarating rides down the snowy hills. Winter Whisk’s craftsmanship brings laughter and excitement to the winter days, making him a beloved figure in the Priory Park magical community.

11. Bellsong, the Caroling Whisperer

Bellsong, with silver bells on her robe and threaded in her hair, spreads joy through Priory Park by teaching woodland creatures to sing winter carols. The harmonious tunes fill the air with festive cheer. Bellsong’s caroling sessions became a heartwarming tradition, bringing the spirit of Christmas to Priory Park.

12. Frosty Spark, the Winter Star Arranger

Frosty Spark, adorned with a crown of stars, arranges the winter constellations in order to tell whimsical stories. His nightly displays light up the sky above Priory Park with celestial tales captivating the imagination of those who gaze upon the stars. Frosty Spark’s celestial arrangements make winter nights in Warwick truly magical.